Rovers and Rangers have started in our college with the guidance of Rover officer Mr.Pemmaiah.UT , Dept of BCA and Ranger officer Miss Noumya R R , Dept of BCA.
Our College have Started Rovers and Rangers unit from academic year 2013 . We have 4 units running on.
Each Unit have one Rover Scout Leader and One Ranger Officer
Rover Leader – Mr Thirtesh S A
Ranger Leader – Miss Seema
About Rovers and Rangers
Rover Scouting is a service[citation needed] program associated with Scouting for young men, and in many countries, women into their early 20s. A group of Rovers is called a ‘Rover Crew’.
Rover Scouting was started by the Boy Scouts Association in the United Kingdom in 1918 to provide a program for young men who had grown up beyond the age range of the Boy Scouts. It was quickly adopted by other national Scouting organizations.
About the Organization
The Bharat Scouts & Guides is a voluntary, Non-Political, Educational Movement for young people , open to all without distinction of origin, race or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conceived by the founder Lord-Baden Powell in 1907.
The purpose of the movement is to contribute to the development of the young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as member of the local, national and international committees.
The movement is based on the following principles:
Duty to God
Duty to Others
Duty to Self .
The Scout / Guide Method is a system of progressive self education through : A promise and law Learning by doing .
Membership of small group under adult leadership involving progressive discovery and acceptance of responsibility of training towards the development of character, self reliance and capacities to cooperate and to local.
A Scout is trustworthy.
A Scout is loyal.
A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every Scout.
A Scout is courteous. A Scout is friend to animal and loves nature.
A Scout is discipline and helps to protect public property.
A Scout is courageous.
A Scout is Thrifty.
A Scout is pure in thought word and deed.
The first scout troop in India consisting entirely of Anglo-Indian Boys, was formed by a Scottish missionary, in the then central province in 1908. However the troop was disbanned in 1910. Thereafter nine different scout troops comprising British & Anglo-Indian boys came up in early 1911 in Shimla, Calcutta, Jabalpur, Allahabad, Banglore, Poona, Kirkee, Saidpus and Madras. Efforts to induct Indian Boys to scouts movement did not materialize till Mantague & Chelnosford appeared on the scene a secretary of the state of India and viceroy of India in 1917. After Independence of India the final merger of the Boy Scouts Association and the Hindustan Scout association took place on 7th Nov. 1950 under the name of “The Bharat Scouts and Guide”.