Mathematics department was established in the year 1979 with B.Sc (PCM) as undergraduate level study program . Mathematics is all around us, in everything we do. It is the building block for everything in our daily lives, including mobile phones, computers, software, architecture (ancient and modern), art, money, engineering and even sports. Mathematics helps students to understand the world and provides an effective way of building mental discipline. Mathematics encourages logical reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, abstract or spatial thinking, problem-solving ability, and even effective communication skills.
Offering value-based education at the undergraduate level in Mathematics. To create a conducive atmosphere for students, where the emphasis is not on domestic skills but academic learning.
Imparting of quality mathematics education and inculcating the spirit of research. To achieve high standards of excellence in generating and propagating knowledge in Mathematics for logical reasoning and problem solving ability.
· B. Sc [Hons] in Mathematics, as a major or minor subject according to National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
· Choice based credit system from academic year 2019-2022.
To stimulate interest in the learning of Mathematics. Help students understand and acquire basic mathematical concepts and computational skills. Help students develop creativity and the ability to think, communicate, and solve problems.
· Disciplinary knowledge
· Communication skills
· Critical thinking and analytical reasoning
· Problem Solving
· Research related skills
· Information/digital Literacy
· Self – directed learning
· Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning
· Lifelong learning
· Ability to pursue advanced studies and research in pure and applied Mathematical Sciences.
· Understand the foundations of Mathematics.
· Be able to perform basic computations in higher mathematics.
· Be able to read and understand middle level proofs.
· Develop and maintain problem solving skills.
· Use mathematical ideas to model real-world problems.
· Have experience using technology to address mathematical ideas.
· Well experienced teaching faculties.
· Internet facility.
· Department library with good collection of books.
· Science Association.
· Well-equipped computer lab with wi-fi facility.
· ICT enabled classrooms.
Our students are placed in well reputed companies such as Biocon, Microsoft, Wipro, Byju’s, Accenture, Postal services, Infosys, and many more.
Most of the science teachers in high school, colleges of our district are our students.
Members of the staff inspire students by sharing their enthusiasm for the subject with the students .All the teachers are aware of the salient of the Quality Education . The students are encouraged to learn by giving assignments , involving them in discussions and seminars .
Students are assessed continuously by conducting tests, seminars, assignments and internal examinations.
Periodical staff meetings are conducted so as to access the progress of the students in each and every class and teachers give their self appraisal by giving details of their academic progress. A well scrutinized teaching plan is prepared in the beginning of the semester to ensure the completion of syllabus on time and preparing each student for the examination.
Activities Conducted during academic year 2017-18.
Class seminars was organized for students of I, II and III B.Sc.
Student faculty from II B.Sc gave a lecture on the topic” Dependent variable missing” to I B.Sc students on 23-01-2018.
Maths quiz was organized for II B.Sc students on 10-02-2018.
A visit to wonderland with final year B.Sc students .
On behalf of national science day Various competitions was organized for B.Sc students
22 February essay competition.
23 February quiz competition .
26 February presentation of seminars.
To encourage young minds and to show the importance of science in everyday life National Science Day was organized by department of science on 1st of March, 2018 Thursday at Seminar Hall. The theme of the day was “Science and Technology for a Sustainable future”.
The function started with the inauguration, chief guests were Dr. Indira Kalyana Sundaram, Scientist, Department of Botany, Madras University, K.G Uthappa, Secretary Cauvery Education Society (R) and Dr. Rohini Thimmaiah, Principal, Coorg Institute of Pre-University college, Ponnampet.
Mime show was performed by the students of I B.Sc to create an awareness of the importance of water.
In connection with National Science Day celebration 2018 general science quiz were conducted for
non-science staff.
Our B.Sc students paid visit to KVK Gonikoppal, for a session on Food processing techniques in February 2019.
National Science day was organized on 28th Feb 2019, the Chief guest of the event was Prof I.K Biddappa(Rtd.Principal), Director, Cauvery College Gonikoppal. The resource person was Dr.J.G Manjunath, HOD, Department of Chemistry, Field Marshal K.M. Cariappa College who delivered a talk on ‘Electrochemical sensors for the detection of bioactive molecules’ for the students of BSc.
On Saturday 20th July 2019, SCIENCE ASSOCIATION INAUGURATION was organized by Science department. It was presided by Dr.A.C.Ganapathy, President, Cauvery Education Society, Gonikoppal, Sri. KG Uthappa, Hon.Secretary, Cauvery Education Society, Gonikoppal, Prof. Kusumadhar K V, Principal, Cauvery College, Gonikoppal were present. Chief Guest of the program Dr. Nithin K.S, Asst. Professor, National Institute of Engineering, Mysuru gave an informative session to the students on ‘Future prospects of Science’.
SCIENCE ASSOCIATION Organized Sir M VISVESVARAYA BIRTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION On Saturday, 14th September, 2019 at the Seminar Hall. It was presided by Prof.K V Kusumadhar, Principal, Cauvery College, Gonikoppal. The Chief Guest was Miss.Sushmitha, Lecturer in Kannada,CIT PU College, Ponnampet and Resource person of the day was Dr.Priyadarshini MM, Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology, Kodagu Institute of Medical Sciences, Madikeri.
B.Sc students visited a training session at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gonikoppal on ‘Food processing’ in January 2020.
On behalf of NSD 2020, Science Association organized Science Day celebration on 29th February 2020, at the Seminar Hall. The program was presided by Prof. K.V. Kusumadhar, Principal, CCG, Chief guests of the function were Sri.C. K Uthappa, President, Cauvery education society and Sri.M.N. Ramesh, Rtd.Prof, College of Forestry, Ponnampet.
In connection with with NSDC various events like quiz, PPT presentation, Collage and debate competitions were organized for the students which was followed by prize distribution.
Online classes were regularly conducted for the students of B.Sc.
On 09-11-2021 orientation program was jointly Organized by Science department to B.Sc students. Students were given an introduction about the NEP(New education policy) and all the Science departments and Laboratories.
Inauguration of Science Association and Nature club(Shrusti) in collaboration with IQAC was held on 11th December 2021 by the Science department. Chief guest of the event was Miss. Nishma B T, Project Associate at CFTRI.
On 14th December 2021 Nature club Shrusti had organised one day trekking to Kabbe hills, Chellavara falls and Nalknad palace to the BSc students.
On account of National Mathematics Day, quiz competition and model making was conducted on 22-12-2021.
III BSc students along with Science faculty members visited a training programme at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gonikoppal on ‘A look into weather forecast and related Apps in agriculture’ and ‘Petroleum conservation’ by Dr.Harish, Subject matter specialist, Agrometerology on 25th February 2022, which was very informative to the students.
The Department of Science and IQAC jointly Organized NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY NSD-2022 on Feb 28th 2022. The Chief Guest was Sri. D. Krishna Chaithanya, Graduate Assistant Master (Facilitator), Gonikoppal High School who gave a talk to the students on ‘Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a sustainable future’ the theme of NSD 2022. Prof. M.B Kaveriappa, Principal, Cauvery College, Gonikoppal, Dr. A.S Poovamma, Vice-Principal Cauvery College, Gonikoppal, Prof. M.S Bharathy, Coordinator IQAC, Cauvery College, Gonikoppal were present.
Students of II B.Sc performed a mime act on Excessive use of Mobile phones to bring awareness to students. Various inter-class activities were conducted for the students.
A trip was organized to III B.Sc students to Goa. As a part of curriculum, our II B.Sc students had paid industrial visit to Keltron, Dharmasala, Kannur for practical exposure and insights to real working environment on 1st July 2022.